About Ragdollkitty

Why a Ragdollkitty Ragdoll?  Well, ask any owner (Cynthia.stevens.29@facebook.com, ragdollkittycats@facebook.com) – once you own one of my Ragdolls-you will never go back!

Ragdollkitty Ragdolls is a fairly small urban cattery, producing a limited amount of litters per year.  As a first-class cattery, we are members of The International Cat Association, and Ragdoll International, and in association with The Cat Fancier’s Association, and The Ragdoll Worldwide Club.  We founded in 2006, now having bred hundreds of exquisite Ragdoll cats, we constantly strive to provide beautiful, traditional and rare color, healthy, happy kittens locally –  to San Diego, Orange, Los Angeles and Riverside Counties, as well as nationally and internationally to 120 countries.

What is a Ragdoll? These cats are historically well-known to be super-friendly to all creatures, especially to their family members.  They literally will help with homework with loyal and loving dog-like behavior, topped off with their soft, slightly-shedding, hypoallergenic, rabbit-like fur and piercing blue eyes…truly these cats are spectacular additions to any family!

Ragdollkitty Ragdolls produces many various rare and traditional colors/patterns.  Best to contact by calling/texting 760-458-3117
